Chinese Astrology: Finding Your Own Inner Diamond



To shine like a diamond, who could ask for more? Every one of us has our own special talent and skills and bringing these to the fore and creating a life path around them leads to an existence where we live to work and not work to live. Life is for living and to make it as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible is a priceless gift.

There are many forms of wealth so the principle I am referring to is not simply about a rags to riches story, although it has to be said this can be the case on occasions. Self worth, confidence, fulfilment, belonging, quality of life, dignity, pride, satisfaction, peace of mind and good health are just a few of the treasures with the potential to be uncovered on the Chinese Astrology journey.

In fact we are identifying your energetic DNA when we open a birth chart and yes, Its All About You! First and foremost, with no other taking priority, it’s your time and your journey. To play to your strengths is to maximise on your potential. To identify your weaknesses is to recognise your enemy, and to know where the enemy sits is to eliminate his element of surprise and negate his ill intent. There is no greater boost to the morale than a sense of achievement and to fly high like the crane in your own way.

For more information and background take a look at my book, Chinese Astrology  The Key to Understanding Yourself. Published 08:11:23

with my best wishes